Monday, April 11, 2011


So all my life I lived in a summer vacation spot.... no not california i'd be feared of eathquakes, no not florida me and gators don't mesh and No. i'm not mexican. I wish it was Hawaii but it's a place called Virginia Beach. It's on the east coast and it's a magical place....... your vision starts to blur while chimes chime......

My dad was military and we lived in sweet VA since before i was born... There are all sorts of fun things there.. they have the ocean, forests, "small city" structures, local hot spots, raging oceanside clubs (not that i ever went) and a lot... i mean a LOT of historical places in the Hampton Roads area (that's what the 7 surrounding cities combined are called) ANYwho... we had malls, multiple malls. We had soooo many restaurants there was always a place to eat... there was grass..... real uncontaminated grass. It was so soft an lovely.  So now the reason for my declaration of love for VA...

After a year of being married to a reservist Marine, we got a happy package from heaven.. Mister.
Well the reserves don't have medical coverage for family members, and let me tell you something, Babies ain't cheap! Even while in utero. We needed doctors appointments, vitamins, ultrasounds, blood taken (yuck) and all sorts of crazy! (not to mention clothes for my fat... um i mean beautiful pregnant body) So while pregnant I continued working and Jman, (yes i'm going to call him that) signed up for active duty. we stayed in va for almost a year after mister was born but then the call came.....

Some random paperwork marine: "You are being stationed somewhere else.. where do you want to go? We've got Hawaii... (ooooh) and Japan... (aaaah) and Jacksonville, NC (Huh?)."

and what did my love reply... "North Carolina sounds good to me?" (WHAT!?)

so here we are.. and now to my former ramblings... we chose our house in one day.... no it's not that great. WE only had ONE DAY! There is only 1 mall here. ALL of the restaurants are ALWAYS crowded with young families and marines. The closest entertainment (for families) is an hour away and it's tiny  (that says tiny). There is some grass in the "city" and i use that term very loosely. We live in the county technically, but it's a subdivision off the highway. (Don't stalk me i'm not telling you where exactly i live). Our yard? it's a tangled labyrinth of weeds and bugs. All sorts of them... I've got dandilions, crab grass, onion weeds, clover, and lots more i don't know...
I kill every summer on average: 10 black widows, 2 dozen fire ant hills, 10000000000 flies. (the kind that just "hop up" when you swat and land where they were before, stupid flies!) 20-30 crickets depending on if they are inside or out. 3 water bugs... and maybe a bee or wasp in there ( i tend to let them be and they let me be) OH and i de-flea every summer too, thanks to my husband's "lovely" cat. (jerk)

There are beetles, spiders, ants, crickets, dragon flies, orb spiders (they are classified different cause they are in like "freak syfy apocalyptic movie" size) roaches (NOT in my house!) and lots of other darker, yuckier creatures. blah!

We also live very close to the base.. great for some things... and not for others. I would never be able to tell if we were under attack. In va we had the occasional jet flybys and it's whatever. you stop looking up after a while. Here we have heilcopters, all hours of the day and night. the firing range can be heard from out house (and felt too depending on how big the weapon used is)

I feel like i live in the ghetto sometimes...
This is in NO WAY trying to offend anyone!
(I have actually lived in the "more dangerous" parts of town. It's no joke and it's not a stereotype there are actually some very nice people who lived in my neighborhood.)

SO anywho. You can hear the gun shots all the time ... dta dta dta... dta dta dta dta dta (that's what they sound like to me.) 

I miss my home... where are you from?

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness!!! you could have been in Hawaii or Japan and you are stuck in jacksonville?!! Yeah, i would have cried!!! Sorry chickie!!! But atleast you find humor in it!! :)
