(geesh get you're head out of the gutters, not like that). Anywho, after 5 straight years of being mommy my inner Rebekah was shouting to be let out. "HEY YOU! WHAT ABOUT US?!" I by no means mind dedicating my time to my family... I wake up almost first (My hubby used to be first but now we're up together thanks to my nifty workout routine) ok back to me declaring my selflessness..
I eat last usually cold food, I shower last (and quickly) if i want no interruptions i MUST lock the door, It takes a good 10 times more time for me to do anything around the house due to the whims of my offspring.
In fact you can't tell but i've been up 5 times already while trying to write this blog.. once to give my daughter some breakfast, twice to break up fights, once to start sleeping beauty and again to make sure the kids were cleaning up the room instead of destroying it. I could have this thought finished already if i was say a young childless wife, or if my kids were robots that i could program to be angelic.
But alas I had children (whom i love) and i think cps wouldn't approve of me testing out my mind control on the kids.. So now i struggle with finding time for me and mommy. Alot of the time i can't balance it... Hence the name of this site.. I LOVE facebook, even though i really don't do much on it.. i don't play the silly little mini-games. I don't throw sheep. I don't even post that much. I guess i mostly just like to observe what everyone else does.. (By the way my favorite type of pet are fish), and i HATE laundry, (and well most other chores) so i tend to put them on the back burner... Ok enough rambling back to the subject!
I got to the point where my i was showing physical signs that i needed a break. (And not like a vacation with my family where i'm running after kids and not able to do anything but kiddie stuff) No I needed a break to be family free... (is that messed up?) Maybe it is but dudes..... My eye was seriously twitching every 5 minutes for a WEEK! That alone was driving me crazy... So my dear, sweet, wonderful husband took my precious little children to his mothers for a week!
IT WAS AWESOME!!! I didn't yell for a whole week....a week! Do you know how much energy and stress come from yelling? A LOT! I completely bummed the first two days... I mean i BUMMED.(Have you seen the movie home alone 2 when he's at the hotel and just having the time of his life.. Piles of candy, jumping on the bed, taking a Ginormous bubble bath? Well to an extent, that was me!)
I felt like my power cord was plugged in and i was getting charged up.. I Cleaned! Yup me. My whole house! It was like a miracle, I stayed up late, slept in late...it was just what i needed.
And now they are home and I'm happy and they are happy and the house is a little messier than when i was home alone. But that's life. So what happens to Rebekah.. do i shove her down again? I can't keep her out my family would suffer horribly (not that rebekah's a bad gal, it's just if i spent more time on me than my kids would become who knows what from lack of parenting) i shudder at the thought...
So i Googled it. How not to lose yourself, and there were lots of blogs and stories and whatnots. so i combined and picked from them. Here's what i got..
Take 10-20 minutes a day and just tackle a project.. (Today was the kitchen)
Please don't judge me too harshly.. |
Yes I know it's a mess! So it took me 25 Minutes due to again interrupting children. After: |
WOW Shiny |
All clean :) |
NOW do i really enjoy doing these things?..... eh not so much for most of them.. I mean who doesn't like to bake a cake then eat it in a day? (jk.... maybe) but i needed something for me. So i started this and plan on maybe taking on a few others. And i like it. even if no one reads or comments i like having an outlet to express myself. (the marky-mark or whatever that 80's song just popped in my head)
So what do you do to keep a hold on who you are?
Brilliant first post Rebekah! Great job.